Tamil Solidarity Congratulate Jeremy Corbyn on his Victory as Labout Party Leader

Below is the letter that Tamil Solidarity to Jeremy Corbyn:


Dear Jeremy Corbyn,

Tamil Solidarity would like to congratulate you on your victory as a Labour leader. The majority of

Tamils living in Britain are affected by austerity and the anti-working class and anti-youth initiatives

of the Tory government.

It is a huge relief for many of us that we now have a strong voice in the parliament defending our

conditions. We admire your determination to stand firm in the face of horrendous attacks by the

right-wing media and the big business interests.

We wish you well for the coming years as a leader of the opposition in the parliament. But more

than just wishing you well Tamil Solidarity also hopes to mobilise support for your demands within

the Tamil community.

The Tamil Solidarity campaign is supported by a number of trade unions and numerous union

branches. We fully support your position to defend the union rights, fight for a real living wage,

abolish tuition fees, and oppose the privatisation of the NHS and other services.

We fully support your position against all cuts in public services and your demand for investment

instead. We will continue to campaign for this and to build support for you to continue to defend

these fundamental needs and rights.

We are also proud of your support the right to self-determination of the oppressed nationalities.

Tamil Solidarity would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given to

the Tamils living in Britain.

Tamil Solidarity coordinating committee